Sandra Anin lives by the phrase “ You can’t let your environment dictate, nor depict who you are” Growing up, Sandra saw around her all the negative the media and society had to say about Jane and Finch. There was the stigma that you could not make it. However, that idea never once ran through this little firecracker’s mind. Her mindset was to succeed and excel in life no matter the obstacles of that  journey. The end result was for Sandra to be the positive that came out of a negative. Although Sandra was optimistic about what she wanted out of life. She went through some dark moments at home which she battled alone, yet she overcame those traumatic events- to still go after what she wanted. Sandra had her heart set out to always write her life story one day.

She decided to tell her life story from where a lot of people can identify with most- “ The Teenage years.”Here the birth of Child of an Immigrant came to past. Your teenage years are a dynamic of your life which shapes how one may view the path of adulthood. You enter a new world with new friends, teachers, schools, and much more. Although Sandra is still running in this race called life; she indeed has more stories to tell and more books to share with the world.


Welcome to the journey of Sandra Anin!